Sue Apfelbaum and Laura Forde drop an extra dope bit of anecdotal graphic history in a post for RedBullMusicAcademy. They dig up some fantastic tales behind some of the most epic logos in Nyc music history, the kind of logos that just have that instantaneous recognition and hit you in the chest like “pow!”
Who is that in the P.E. crosshairs? What logo was supposed to look like a guy getting his head punched in from behind? Which testosterone driven Hip Hop group’s logo was actually designed by an English woman?
Just from the mash up above, you know you need to check this out, HERE.
]]>Hal grades your bike locking
Crystal to Blotter
Ask A Bartender
Ugly Belgian Houses
The world’s shortest commercial airline flights
Spot the International Space Station
Lyrics to Biggie’s “Juicy” with illustrations
Ripovisuals, large
Elephantine’s Fiction Friday
OK Go – Say the same thing
SIGGRAPH Technical Papers Preview trailer
What can we learn from superhumans?
Warriors of Goja on an Indian talent show
Jim Rose Circus (NSFW)
80s Video Dating montage
70s fondue party mixtape
Little Julian’s Secret
Everything’s carved from a single piece of wood.
Morbid Curiosities found in Old Newspapers
Infinity Mushroom
Local Nadirs
Map Projection Overview
Slow Art Day
The beauty of typography
The making of Mykki Blanco
Did you know they have sketchbooks in Hungary? And that they have pens too?!?! János Kőrös knows this dirty little secret and exploits it like a fat kid in a cake factory (there haven’t been enough 50 Cent references in the world lately). Anyway, these are just a few examples of some amazing ink he’s putting down in his moleskines. Check his page out for more.
It’s always great to see good things happen for amazing artists and all around good guys. With that, cheers to José Parlá and the Barclays Center on the new 10 ft. x 70 ft. (i.e. LARGE) mural, Diary of Brooklyn, just released over the weekend. Brooklyn is lucky to have such an epic artist that calls it home.
Check out more about the story behind the mural and many more detailed photos @ArrestedMotion.
And of course, José Parlá.
Far be it for me to say a fresh coat of paint and some pretty letters are going to revolutionize a neighborhood but, hey, it’s a start. For one, it shows that at least someone is taking care and taking pride in where they’re from and pride oftentimes has that bandwagon effect. In a positive way.
Probably the greatest example provided in the “Rebrand Your ‘Hood for Good” article, at, is the ultra-iconic “I heart New York” logo by Milton Glaser (check out my love/hate variation of it, here) which helped jumpstart the city’s revitalization at a time of rocky circumstances. The article also touches on the above mock up for Brownsville (M.O.P., what!) done by SVA students and the story behind Zak Stone who created a city-specific font for Chattanooga to help bolster its “creative renaissance.”
Read the whole thing over at Good.