Open Letter to Maker’s Mark

Dear Maker’s Mark,

I read about your supply problems and your solution of watering down your bourbon to meet demand. As such I’d like to apply for the much needed position of business advisor. Unlike your current business advisor I understand the basic concepts of economics such as supply and demand curves and how they can be used to determine optimized pricing. In addition I’m very good at drinking bourbon. I look forward to speaking with you more about this opportunity.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


  • thosalumpagus

    wow. so basically beam, inc. has the business sense of a high school kid who took some swigs out of their parents’ liquor cabinet. they have reduced themselves to lunchmeat makers who add water to their product so that it weighs more and they can sell it for more. wack.
    also, why doesn’t OBAMA take a cue from them and just start adding water to our gas so we get more out of it? (cuz you know the president controls all that)