(Photo: Ron Page, The Appleton, Wis., Post-Crescent)
Mark Scheffler’s protest against the legality of open carry in Appleton, WI is pure creative common folk genius. A couple weeks ago, two presumably militant zealots, Charles Branstrom and Ross Bauman, decided to walk through the downtown farmer’s market carrying AR-15 assault rifles on their backs for “self defense.” They were not arrested nor fined despite several 911 calls and many feeling, rightfully so, uncomfortable.
In steps Mark Scheffler who decides he will point out the absurdity of gun laws by carrying his brown hen, named Winchester, in his arms through the farmer’s market. While carrying assault rifles through a downtown farmer’s market is completely legal, carrying a chicken, ironically something inherent in order for a farmer’s market to exist, is illegal and carries a fine of $263.50. It is also worthy to note that Scheffler owns a gun himself and pretty much feels like I do, “Guns have their place…they don’t belong in downtown Appleton.”
It scares me that a seemingly rational person “illegally” carries a hen whereas the quite possibly mentally impaired are the ones legally carrying assault weapons. Let’s think of the worst case scenario in each situation…