ATMs since their inception been target for criminals to exploit, if not from robbing people after they use them, like the scene from L.A. Story, then from stealing your card ID and PIN number. I have a non-technical solution to the problem, bring back human bank tellers, it will create jobs, it’s pretty hard to put a PIN stealing camera on them and they are much more likely to detect a scam.
Archive for How My Mind Works
Energy Savings
The oil platform explosion makes we wonder why I can get a new light bulb (LED) that uses about 1/10th the energy, lasts 40 times as long and over the long term costs about 1/4 of the price of old light bulb (incandescent) but a car’s fuel economy has barely doubled?
I also wonder why the electric companies have great incentives and encourage you to save electricity, think of all of the rebates for energy efficient appliances, yet the best a gas station can do is give you a few cent discount on gas if you use their credit card.
The Hill vs Wall Street
After seeing how little it takes to buy off politicians vs how much is to be made in finance, I’ve come to the conclusion that if you’re inept at corruption you work on The Hill, if you excel at corruption you work on Wall Street.
What I’m still trying to figure out is when people are sent from Wall Street to The Hill. Is it a demotion, a punishment, a vacation, or just taking for team?
Oh So Pretty
There is a new ad campaign out for Pampers that uses the song I Feel Pretty (from “West Side Story”)
. Every time the commercial comes on all I think about is the song So Pretty
by J-Zone
You Are Ruining the World
Motivational quote of the day.
Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.
William James
What if the difference is to make the world worse?
Inspirational Quotes
One of the greatest annoyances about Facebook is that it give people with no technical skills the ability to share their insipid inspirational quotes with a mass audience. Hell, there is even a site that has social media share buttons to make it easier. Take this one attributed to Walt Disney
If you can dream it, you can do it.
Really Walt because last night I dreamed that when I was a kid my parents and I lived in Georgetown for a year. I dreamed it so how can I make that happen?
Also no mention of Walt Disney is complete without sharing this
and this clip.