My elections fatigue has now carried over to Black Friday/Cyber Monday.

…and the beat goes on
I’ve pretty much gotten the same email from everybody’s list I’m on that sells something. Consumer rant begin…now—
Thursday: Black Friday a day early on Thursday!
Friday: Black Friday!
Saturday: Black Friday extended
Sunday: Black Friday weekend!!!
Sunday: early Cyber Monday!
Monday: Cyber Monday!
Tuesday: Cyber Monday deals week!
Wednesday: c’mon we’re really super desperate and/or just want to keep suckering you fools.
Oh and worst, most socially irresponsible Wal-mart ad I’ve seen: woman with shopping cart ogling big ticket item, “associate” asks her if he can help load it in the cart, she responds “Oh no, I was just admiring it, I can’t afford it.” Wait for it, associate/savior says “Of course you can, just open up a brand new Wal-mart credit card!!!!” Everyone, “Yaaaaaaay!”
Did we NOT just get ourselves royally fucked from spending what we don’t have? And weren’t we all supposed to learn a big lesson?!
Don’t worry though Wal-mart will be fine, it’ll all just get blamed on OHHBAMA’s America (very important to stress that ‘ohhh’ when saying said slur, I think it has something to do with over enlarged vocal chords on the extreme right wing, delusional, and/or rednecks.)