Tag Archive for the onion

Passwords, Sound Advice and Tunes

Passwords are weak and easily broken FIDO might scratch an itch.

Speaking of the weakness of passwords The Onion gives some solid advice on browser security.

This is pretty amazing, sounds from nearly every genre of music if you click on the arrow it will take you to a list of the artists with more sound samples.


Gen X, The Onion and Naked WordPress

Gen X is tired of hearing complaints about how hard kids have it today.

The Onion explains how they got hacked.

If you use WordPress you can get the skinny on how it all comes together.

Save your toilet paper 'cause we're gonna wipe you out.

Save your toilet paper ’cause we’re gonna wipe you out.


I’m Getting Old

If you aren’t aware of the Key & Peele show, I suggest you educate yourself ASAP. Their skits with President Obama’s anger translator probably got them the most attention. Though this scene had me in tears, because I like Key feel to old to “get” dubstep.

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