Archive for August 23, 2012

True Fake- Spanish Fresco Restoration

For a moment I really thought the BBC had been hacked by The Onion but alas it is amazingly true. Some crazy old lady took it upon her self to try and ‘restore’ the Ecce Homo (Behold the Man) by Elias Garcia Martinez. I kinda have to give her props though, I like her amateur version better than the original.

Full article here.


Mark Chapman – Rush Limbaugh Twins?

Every time Mark Chapman, the asshole who killed John Lennon, is up for and denied parole, I’m reminded that his evil twin brother Rush Limbaugh, the asshole who killed civil discourse, is still allowed to roam the streets for Oxycodone.

Mark Chapman – NY Dept of Corrections

Rush Limbaugh – From Wikipedia


Tuesday Forecast


J Rocc – Taster’s Choice Live v1.3 CD (@


Song of the Week – Dead Kennedys – Moral Majority

One of the first albums that I loved was In God We Trust, Inc.
from the Dead Kennedys.

One of the best tracks on this album is “Moral Majority” which calls out the hypocrisy of the Christian right. This song immediately came to mind when I read that the awful person who somehow got elected to lead Arkansas said that great people were the result of forcible rape.
(skip to the 58 second mark to hear the song)

I’d also like to make two other points
1) If Rep. Todd Akin’s statements about rape were true none of the people Huckabee mentioned would have been conceived.
2) Huckabee and Akin are proof that truly awful people can come from consensual sex.


Please Support Pleasant Pops

They started with a truck.

One of the themes of Common Folk Collective is doing your own thing. This week we’re proud to share the D.I.Y.S work ethic of a promising DC business. My friend and former officemate Brian started an amazing company Pleasant Pops. Pleasant Pops was started to fill a missing market left by the lack of Mexican ice pops called paletas. I was lucky enough to sample some of the early pops and from my first taste I knew he was on to something.

They started with a cart.

Pleasant Pops started with a cart and a dream and they’ve grown quite a bit. They’ve had a successful Kickstarter campaign and are opening a store in the not too distant future.

They are currently competing for $25,000 and some assistance as to how to grow their business. Please help out some Common Folk doing some uncommon things and vote for them.


Rep. Todd Akin is Confused

I’m sure you’ve heard by now that Rep Todd Akin, who shares the same stance on abortion as Romney’s running mate Rep Paul Ryan, said “if it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.”

Akin supports made up science, such as “intelligent design” so it shouldn’t shock you that he believes that when raped, a woman doesn’t conceive. Though if his made up science were true, Barr Laboratories, the makers of the Plan B morning after pill would be looking for a new line of work.

I’d like to encourage you to donate to RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) and help educate to prevent sex crimes and counsel victims.

As a bonus Akin also believes that student loans are like stage 3 cancer. I wonder if “legitimate” students loans are in remission?

Lastly, based on Akin’s clear lack of scientific understanding please ask that Akin is removed from the House Science and Technology Committee. So that we don’t live in a world like The Handmaid’s Tale
