Election Prediction

What about Obama with 314 electoral votes and Romney with 224? This is stolen from Nate Silver (91% chance of an Obama win), because he uses science.

Other predictions:

Ezra Klein: Obama wins with 290 ev.

Josh Jordan: Romney with 50.5 % of the vote.

James Pethokoukis: Romney with 301 ev.

South Park: Obama Wins

Ross Douthat: Obama with 271 ev.

Karl Rove: Romney with 285 ev.

Jim Cramer: Obama with 440 ev.

Sam Wang: Obama with 303 ev.

John Cassidy: Obama with 303 ev.

Intrade: 67.2% chance of Obama win.

Votamatic: 326 ev to Obama.

DeSart and Holbrook: Obama with 281 ev.

Peggy Noonan: Feels a Romney win




  • thosalumpagus

    thank you nate silver, cuz you know, he made the victory happen. but for real, daaaaaamn, the homie called it!

  • der