I Hate to Have to Do This But…

I’m worried about my peers that feel voting doesn’t matter, their voice doesn’t count, that voting suppresses the revolution, or voting is just giving in to “their system.” It has real consequences. And until that ‘revolution’ comes, voting is just another tool you can use to at least make things improve in the meantime. Purposely starving people (metaphorically/literally) until they get irate enough to rise up to revolt and change the system is not such a solid game plan. Making the lives of the non-1% livable is not pacifying the masses into submission. If you to want change the system, work on it from both the inside and outside.

Vote. It’s simple. In the very least write in a candidate if you don’t want to support either of the major parties, use that as voice to express your discontent. It’s so easy to bitch and complain about America, it’s a whole different thing to take an actual positive step forward. Let’s own this shit.

Sean Daley aka Slug (rhymesayers) holding flag insert from Brother Ali’s new album


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