Irina Werning- Back to the Future

Lulu Geraldine 1980 & 2010 Bs Aires  Pancho 1983 & 2010, Buenos Aires

Mechi 1990 & 2010 Buenos Aires

Mechi 1990 & 2010 Buenos Aires

Back to the Future isn’t by any means the first project to have someone recreate a photo of themselves from yesteryear as true to form as possible but Irina Werning’s execution here is brilliant. And somehow the merriment of the process is almost palpable.

There’s a lot that could be said about injecting the present into the past or how the more things change the more they stay the same but I’ll spare you and just let you enjoy the photos as they are and leave you to make up your own deep psycho-babble art philosophy.

Make sure to check out part 1 & part 2! She’s also going to be doing more in Tokyo, Korea, and Taiwan so if you live there and want to participate, hit her up.

Found via MeanRed
