Archive for May 23, 2013

Office Doors, Giving Thanks and DIY

I’ve been saying this for years but I probably wasn’t heard over the din of office noise.

A well put article on people who are thanking God after disasters.

Jaded Dan thinks imagine if this ingenuity was applied to less destructive efforts. Technology Dan thinks imagine if these guys had 3D printers.

Some screws, some wood and some Jameson.

Some screws, some wood and some Jameson.


XBox One

The XBox One appears that it might ruffle some feathers and prove an interesting platform but this presentation does a great job of mocking the announcement.


Ditty, Camelopard and Tornado Safety

A nice little ditty by Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell.

When you don’t know the right word you stick with what you know, the Camelopard.

Where you won’t find tornadoes.

A strong case could easily be made that reading these magazines would likely make you less knowledgable.

A strong case could easily be made that reading these magazines would likely make you less knowledgable.


Tornados, Centipedes and Homophobes

Tornado porn.

This centipede will likely haunt your dreams.

Good riddance to this homophobe.

My new mustache is part of my uniform for selling ice cream in the park.

My new mustache is part of my uniform for selling ice cream in the park.


Cash, Food and Data

The $100 note may be too secure for its own good.

Eating non-processed food is killing food industry profits we gave you these vegetables to help.

Who’s your data.

Home taping is killing record industry profits, we left this side blank so you could help.

Home taping is killing record industry profits, we left this side blank so you could help.


Saturday Links Number N

Mysteries! Databases! Transportation! Buildings!

Modern Art tattoos
Chop Marks
The coin behind the ear trick revealed?
Rosicrucian Order
Scam City
Did the eyes really stare down bicycle crime in Newcastle?
Sine Wave Speech
Who’s the parent company of that product?
Find the best… (song, book, movie…)
Look up NYC cabs by medallion number
Airbus A380 first flight report
The Longest Train Journey
Barnstorming for mail pouch barns
Cabin porn
Bus converted into an awesome cabin
Houseboats of Sausalito
Walter Francis White
