Common Folk Heroes of the Week: U.S. Congress!


Fucking Bitch Ass Scabs

The almighty Congress. Do they do it for the common folk? No. Should we have ever really thought they did? No. But they win heroes of the week for reaffirming my belief in evil (not in a supernatural way, I don’t believe in religion beyond that, but in a very real way). Sometimes i grow soft and optimistic, I start to believe governing bodies really do have the people’s best interest in mind. Egad, I was starting to get such good vibes I almost decided to grow dreads! Thank you Congress for setting me straight again and bringing me back home to cynicism and defeatism.

Secretly, I think Rage Against The Machine is actually the illuminati and they craft and concoct these schemes to boost their sales. Daaaamn you, Zach de la Rocha.


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