Archive for February 22, 2014

Consider technology

Technological Austerity Manifesto
How to Lose Your Religion in 5 Easy Steps
Graffiti: 40 Years of Hacking New York City
When does a dream become a nightmare?
Del Rubio Triplets: Duchamp Found Pop Culture Object Theater
4’33″ App for iPhone
My Gay Banjo
Boognish Rising, a Ween documentary
Things That Are Cheaper Than WhatsApp


TIL:Getting Shit Done in DC

Today I learned that it that it is easier to setup an LLC in DC than get a marriage license. All it takes it is residency, $300, an internet connection, and a dream. It is easier to get a marriage license than it is get a one day liquor license for your wedding. For the marriage license all you need is the name of an officiant and the two people getting married, their IDs, a trip to the courthouse and $45. To get a liquor license for one day for your event you need to notarize a form, get a clearance from the police in person, have the layout of the venue, a certificate of occupancy from said venue, and a letter from the venue who likely require insurance, and $300.


‘Nuff Said



Common Core Collective

I’m not qualified nor do I understand enough about Common Core (education curriculum) to take a side. The article I read today (@nytimes) though has the following choice quotes.

“We see kids,” she said, “they don’t want to go to school anymore.” – No shit, this has existed since school existed.

“I fear that they are creating a generation of young students who are learning to hate mathematics,” she said. – Really because mathematics was always loved by kids.

In interviews with a range of teachers in New York City, most said their students were doing higher-quality work than they had ever seen, and were talking aloud more often. But it has not come without sweat. Homework is more complex and takes longer, several said, and in some cases is frustrating parents. – Isn’t this the point of a solid curriculum?


Spaces and stickers and songs

Patrick McDermott
Rowen Altenburger
Steve Martin
What is contact improvisation?
Third Space Davis
Why do images of abandoned Japanese island Hashima haunt us?
Museum of Parallel Art – Trailer\
The Dot and the Line: A Romance in Lower Mathematics
American Pompeii: After the Food Court Closes


Wisconsin in Pictures

Most of the members of the Common Folk Collective have spent a significant amount of time in Wisconsin. Slate has a pretty good photo blog section and today it features Mark Brautigam’s photos of Wisconsin.

Photo by Mark Brautigam

Photo by Mark Brautigam
