Archive for Artists We Dig

Police use of “non-lethal weapon” kills teenaged artist

Various outlets ranging from the Miami Herald to the BBC are reporting on how police in Miami Beach chased, surrounded, tased, and ultimately killed an 18-year-old graffiti artist, Israel Hernández-Llach, known as “Reefa”. Some of his work can be seen on Flickr, including in the South Florida graffiti pool.


Nelson Mandela Tribute By Phil Akashi


Photo from Phil Akashi’s website

I’ve been wanting to do a tribute piece to Nelson Mandela for awhile now (the best idea I’ve had so far for a t-shirt is “A T-shirt Does No Justice To This Man’s Legacy”). Lucky for us, I’ve been beat to the punch in the tribute department. Artist Phil Akashi did a mural in Shanghai of the legend by donning boxing gloves and punching a wall 27,000 times with a Chinese/Taoist ink and the characters 自由/”Freedom.”

Read about the location, technique, and watch video @Good Magazine and the artist’s website.


laser 3.14

I was in Amsterdam the other day and kept seeing works by laser 3.14. Not what you expect, on almost any front.


Ditty, Camelopard and Tornado Safety

A nice little ditty by Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell.

When you don’t know the right word you stick with what you know, the Camelopard.

Where you won’t find tornadoes.

A strong case could easily be made that reading these magazines would likely make you less knowledgable.

A strong case could easily be made that reading these magazines would likely make you less knowledgable.


Saturday Links Number N

Mysteries! Databases! Transportation! Buildings!

Modern Art tattoos
Chop Marks
The coin behind the ear trick revealed?
Rosicrucian Order
Scam City
Did the eyes really stare down bicycle crime in Newcastle?
Sine Wave Speech
Who’s the parent company of that product?
Find the best… (song, book, movie…)
Look up NYC cabs by medallion number
Airbus A380 first flight report
The Longest Train Journey
Barnstorming for mail pouch barns
Cabin porn
Bus converted into an awesome cabin
Houseboats of Sausalito
Walter Francis White


Artists We Dig- Photographer Tom Gould

tom gould- EliQuinters

Tom Gould is a videographer/photographer hailing from the mighty New Zealand who is now based in New York City. Like a true veteran he’s dived right into the underbelly of the underground, capturing all that is gritty and hip hop like legends Large Pro, El da Sensei, Peanut Butter Wolf and Thirstin Howl the III to graffiti kings like Wane and Fuzz One to Polo fiends the Lo-Lifes. I get the feeling the homie must be a native wherever he goes cuz he infiltrates and moves amongst crews like no outsider can. And it all comes through in his art.

Check him out on the interwebs- blog (tumblr), website, & vimeo (he’s shot & directed some awesome videos too).

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