Archive for photography
The Original DC Food Truck
Shorpy always has some great images this one doesn’t disappoint.
This Post Nearly Didn’t Happen
Nice Peter – Vader Vs Hitler
The Filthy Holes – World of Strangers
Jess & Jessica
Lonely chairs at CERN
Rob MacInnis photography – also check out older work
Build a self-sufficient homestead
Check out this sick Grave Digger freestyle from St. Louis Monster Jam
Dudebro Magazine
Trayvon Martin
Two years later, Trayvon is still dead and Zimmerman is still free. Hood up…
Colorways Zine
Colorways. As soon as I saw the name and cover I knew, Jonathan Handel ( has a kindred spirit in me cuz I’ve been meaning to put together a zine in the same vein. Colorways is a dope photographic study in color and ‘street’ photography. The shit pops. But don’t take my word for it, check the whole thing out online…
(Put out by ALT Zines & Publishing, always support!)
Wisconsin in Pictures
Most of the members of the Common Folk Collective have spent a significant amount of time in Wisconsin. Slate has a pretty good photo blog section and today it features Mark Brautigam’s photos of Wisconsin.