Archive for Frustration

This Makes No Sense

Can someone who has a connection at Travelocity or Ebay explain how it could possibly take 5 to 10 days to remove someone from an email list? I cannot imagine a technical reason.

I can get a car rental in seconds but to get off an email list takes at least 5 days.

I can get a car rental in seconds but to get off an email list takes at least 5 days.

Ebay apparently also has an a very dated system.

Ebay apparently also has an a very dated system.



Privilege and Gender Politics

Recently on Facebook a friend posted this article from the Washington Post Funny how gender never came up during Bernanke’s nomination. Or Greenspan’s. Or Volcker’s.

My comment was something to the effect of:

My career in software development has exposed me to more of this bullshit than anyone should have to bear. I’ve been fortunate enough to work with some super smart people and I learned tons from them. Unfortunately I’ve also been in the room (and few times when they weren’t in the room) where I saw first hand how since “they were a girl” they didn’t get the respect they deserved. S’s comment really resonates because very early in my career I didn’t understand how privilege worked. Luckily I grew up and was educated alongside many smart and talented people and at the end of the day I don’t care what chromosomes you have as long as you kick ass.

To borrow a quote from Roosevelt Franklin

Does anybody even notice? Does anybody even care? I think I’m way too smart to fall for this bullshit, but I realized I’m way too dumb to figure out how to stop it. One day I’ll figure it out, man, it’s like something’s gotta give.




Radical Barbie?

normal-Barbie barbie side

I’m sure plenty of you have already seen something about artist Nickolay Lamm re-proportioning a Barbie doll according to the average measurements of a typical 19 year old girl as reported by the CDC. Lots of blogs have been fawning over this art project and Flavorwire went as far as to include it in a piece called  “10 Radical Art Projects That Celebrate Women’s Bodies.” Perhaps I’m being a bit nit picky but I think the project falls pretty short of radical (and it’s the Barbie dimensions that are obviously more true to the definition of radical) in it’s execution. I’m talking shape and form.

Granted there are a lot of 19yr old girls that do look like that and he did use  average measurements, I would argue the majority don’t have their measurements fitting that shape. C’mon, look at that ass, look at that thigh gap (lol). Just cuz you have average measurements doesn’t mean the average shape and form is to follow. Therein lies my issue with this being an average body type. Besides why not do the average of a 25yr old, after some more life experiences, the freshman 15, and body changes?

I digress. I’ll say again that it’s the execution that I think falls short and not the intent. Which in reality could be even worse if it causes girls without this body type to feel like this radical, progressive body image is the real one to measure themselves against. At least with Barbie the measurements were so far fetched that it was easier not to legitimately use as a litmus test.

Regardless, it is worthy of looking at Flavorwire (10 Radical Art Projects That Celebrate Women’s Bodies) and HyperAllergic (Deconstructing Barbie’s Disproportion) for other really dope art projects promoting healthy body images for women of all types.


Google Broke My Search History

I use Google to search often and since the advent of tabbed browsing I usually open the first ten results in background tabs. I can’t imagine I’m the only person who searches this way.
Search Results
Often times when working through my problem I realize that I’d like to return to one of the tabs that I dismissed earlier. I would do so by finding it in my history by looking for the page title. Unfortunately Google has broken the page title in your history and now I just see a bunch of redirects.


This should be a list of page titles but is instead a list of redirects.

Fortunately Bing doesn’t exhibit this strange behavior and may soon be my search engine of choice.
Bing gets it right.

Bing gets it right.

Update: My former co-worker pointed out that the Safari plugin Detox will restore things to normal.


A Few Words on Doug Engelbart

Many of us barely remember a time before computers were pervasive members of our culture, capable of sharing information between them. Doug Engelbart passed away recently and was a true visionary of where computing could head. Eulogies abound across the Web right now, but one in particular struck me as an insightful description of what it means to be a visionary of his caliber. Who’s thinking and dreaming like this today? Are our current startups cutting it? Are we encouraging the next generation to innovate and revolutionize technology and society?


Trayvon Martin / George Zimmerman

Let the shit show begin. It’s trial time.

I hate to be pessimistic but it’s difficult to imagine much of anything positive coming out of this trial. It’s going to be very difficult to find much of anything resembling justice buried under the media circus and frenzy for the limelight by all involved, lawyers and judge included. It’s hard to imagine it’s going to be anything but polarizing, further distancing us from any truly rational bipartisan debate, all sides firming up the stances they’ve already taken or even having them pushed further to an extreme. Gun control, race relations, civil liberties.

But who I’m really feeling for is the family and friends of Trayvon Martin, having to mourn the loss of a son and friend amongst so much spectacle. I also feel for Zimmerman’s family, no one wants their son to be a killer or murderer and I’m sure incidental family members will have their name dragged through the mud as well.

While we’re at it, let’s give a shout out to all the families who’ve wrongfully had the lives of loved ones taken by the hands of vigilantes or over zealous law enforcement, families that have had to mourn while dealing with accusations thrown at the deceased and the numbing fear from when your “protectors” become the ones you need protecting from.
