At the recent Philly Geek Awards, Sonia Petruse and Austin Seraphin won “Visual Artist of the Year” for their work on Braille street art.
Archive for writer highlight
Braille Street Art
Police use of “non-lethal weapon” kills teenaged artist
Various outlets ranging from the Miami Herald to the BBC are reporting on how police in Miami Beach chased, surrounded, tased, and ultimately killed an 18-year-old graffiti artist, Israel Hernández-Llach, known as “Reefa”. Some of his work can be seen on Flickr, including in the South Florida graffiti pool.
laser 3.14
I was in Amsterdam the other day and kept seeing works by laser 3.14. Not what you expect, on almost any front.
Writer Highlight: Zimad TD4
South Bronx 1979, Zimad starts what turns out to be a pretty long standing presence in graffitidom. His style is consistent and varies all at the same time. Candylicious colors and smooth, clean, slick lines; if we lived in an animated Miyazaki graffiti world it would look like this. Peep for yourselves…
(All photos from Zimad TD4′s Flicker)
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Writer Highlight- Paebak NSF CTW IPC
Pretty much any city you’re in, Paebak’s been there. There’s a wall with Paebak on it. And if not, there’s a train or a light pole or some wind strewn trash. Taking the train through some small West Virginia town and boom, there’s a Paebak throwie trackside on the back of a shed. His style carries the fun and color of a demented circus or cartoon but also generally adheres to a pretty traditional graf letter form and readability. Most importantly, he’s up.
Writer Highlight Update- Swet
A little while ago we did a highlight on Swet and our graffiti brethren, Artillery, from down under also did a great posting with a slew and fury of Swet pieces:
“Black buff, one colour fill and all style. 30 reasons why SWET is one of the best.
All painted in The Hague, South Holland – 2012.
Taken from: 010fuss’ photostream.”
Check out ALL 30 @ Artillery