Archive for Movies

Overheard at Trivia

Because I command a vast amount of useless knowledge once a week I play trivia with my team “The Piano Keys.” This week one of the categories was “Serial Killers” when the question “This person was known as the clown killer.” came up there was an exited whisper from someone on our team “I know this, it’s William H. Macy.”


Roger Ebert

Ebert quits narrative in his review of the Wachowski’s three hour experiment:

I was never, ever bored by “Cloud Atlas.” On my second viewing, I gave up any attempt to work out the logical connections between the segments, stories and characters. What was important was that I set my mind free to play.

There’s lots of reasons to love Ebert. Prime is that he’s never forgotten his core curiosity in the medium he covers. Cynical critics are sometimes more entertaining, but in the end, considering the crap he’s been forced to watch, his writing is simply wonderful — literally “full of wonder.”


Joe Paterno Biopic

Another scoop for the Common Folk Collective team. Our well placed film analyst has heard rumors that the upcoming, not yet announced, Joe Paterno bio pic will be directed by none other than Roman Polanski and in a unique arrangement financed by The Vatican. This movie will surely be highly anticipated at Cannes and will of course, based on the subject matter and director’s past, be the source of much contention. Another question yet to be answered will be the shooting location, possibly Vatican City, as Polanski has to risk answering for his crimes. One last rumor that has been surrounding the film is the role of Jerry Sandusky, right now there is a buzz the honor might go to Jeffery Jones (Ed Rooney from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off). The film, produced, directed, and acted by these aging men, will be primarily targeted at children 14 and under.

*On a serious note we suggest donating to the protection of victims of sexual abuse and recommend The Children’s Assessment Center.


Oh the Wonderful Things Mr. Brown Can Do.

It’s no secret that I like Matt and Kim. I could listen to Daylight
100 times in a row and not tire of it. So I was happy to see Matt and Kim featured in the new ad for the Sony Xperia. The commercial itself is a pretty cliched theme of “my phone removes me from this world” genre that has been popular lately, but one thing in the commercial struck me as strange. The guy in the commercial is watching the new Spiderman movie on his phone. Since the movie was released in theaters only a few days ago, it isn’t available in a format playable on the phone yet. Which means only one thing.

The guy in the Sony Xperia commercial pirated the movie.


Cool Disco Dan Movie

I’m super psyched for this documentary about Cool “Disco” Dan a DC legend.
Cool Disco Dan in Blue


The RZA as The Man With the Iron Fists

As someone who could probably recite the entire Enter the Wu-Tang album from memory. I’m excited about this movie. I’m really hoping that the sound track will be done by the RZA and have a return to the dirty gritty beats of yesteryear.

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