Tag Archive for not-for-profit

Who Pays More in Taxes, You or the NFL?


Leading question of course, the answer is you (if you paid anymore than $0 in taxes). The NFL is a tax exempt, not-for-profit organization.

Granted it’s not quite that cut and dry, revenue collected from merchandising and the NFL network falls under NFL Ventures which is taxed as well as the fees the NFL League Office collects from the 32 club teams. I will also be the first to admit that I am far from being an economist but there still seems to be something wrong and shady here.

The NHL and PGA also fall under this status (the MLB gave up the status in 2007 and the NBA has never been tax exempt) and the Congress’ Joint Committee on Taxation recently estimated that taxes collected from the NFL and NHL would be more than $10 million a year.

I learned about this incidentally because some members of congress are trying to levy this status as a pressure for the NFL to change the racist name of the Washington Redskins.
