Tag Archive for phone

Monopoly Money – You Own the Utilities

This video put out by the phone monopolies is pretty great. They cover a mix of fear, uncertainty and doubt with the realities of why they were granted a legal monopoly. While I certainly don’t think The Market is the solution to every problem it does often have it’s advantages.

The parts I like the most:

  • The mention of how not using their phone equipment will ruin the system, this case would actually be better made today with people connecting to the internet with infected computers that degrade quality for everyone.
  • Kids would be shocked that you didn’t buy your own phone but instead had to lease it from the phone company.
  • They do mention one of the reasons they were granted a monopoly is because they also had to make sure to cover users who might be a bit cost prohibitive. For example if you lived in a rural area they had to bring you service.
