Archive for February 14, 2013

Detroit Photo Mashup


I came across this incredible project where old pictures of Detroit are superimposed over current photos of Detroit and the effect is stunning.


Lent – You Aren’t Doing it Right

Lent. Tell me more about how giving up choclate is like fasting for 40 days in the wilderness

So one of the downsides of Mardi Gras is that people start to discuss what they are giving up for Lent. This picture from the Willy Wonka meme I think sums it up pretty well.
Instead of focusing on 40 days which barely covers 10% of the year, one should instead look to the philosophy of Guy Kawasaki and strive to be a Mensch

  • Help people who cannot help you.
  • Help without the expectation of return.
  • Help many people.
  • Do the right thing the right way.
  • Pay back society.

Song of the Week, Quelle Chris- “RatShit”

Quelle Chris (Mello Music Group) reminds me of a more straight ahead hip hop version of Ninja Sonik; young, dumb, and fun. And it should go without saying that there’s no other way to take that but positive. Cuz “looking for work is work.” Now go make that ratshit ass clap…clap, clap, clap.


Open Letter to Maker’s Mark

Dear Maker’s Mark,

I read about your supply problems and your solution of watering down your bourbon to meet demand. As such I’d like to apply for the much needed position of business advisor. Unlike your current business advisor I understand the basic concepts of economics such as supply and demand curves and how they can be used to determine optimized pricing. In addition I’m very good at drinking bourbon. I look forward to speaking with you more about this opportunity.

Thank you for your time and consideration.



Wear Your Headphones in Stores

Despite loving music, I don’t think it is a good idea to wear headphones all day. It makes you less aware of your surroundings and cuts you from the world around you. That being said I read about Muzak being acquired. The reach of Muzak and new owner’s business of “sensory marketing” is enough for me to encourage the use of headphones while shopping to avoid audio hijacking.


Fashion Week

As one of the more fashion forward people in the world, (I mean look at the included picture) I’m reminding people that it is fashion week in NYC.
No Limit Solider
