Archive for July 11, 2013

Radical Barbie?

normal-Barbie barbie side

I’m sure plenty of you have already seen something about artist Nickolay Lamm re-proportioning a Barbie doll according to the average measurements of a typical 19 year old girl as reported by the CDC. Lots of blogs have been fawning over this art project and Flavorwire went as far as to include it in a piece called  “10 Radical Art Projects That Celebrate Women’s Bodies.” Perhaps I’m being a bit nit picky but I think the project falls pretty short of radical (and it’s the Barbie dimensions that are obviously more true to the definition of radical) in it’s execution. I’m talking shape and form.

Granted there are a lot of 19yr old girls that do look like that and he did use  average measurements, I would argue the majority don’t have their measurements fitting that shape. C’mon, look at that ass, look at that thigh gap (lol). Just cuz you have average measurements doesn’t mean the average shape and form is to follow. Therein lies my issue with this being an average body type. Besides why not do the average of a 25yr old, after some more life experiences, the freshman 15, and body changes?

I digress. I’ll say again that it’s the execution that I think falls short and not the intent. Which in reality could be even worse if it causes girls without this body type to feel like this radical, progressive body image is the real one to measure themselves against. At least with Barbie the measurements were so far fetched that it was easier not to legitimately use as a litmus test.

Regardless, it is worthy of looking at Flavorwire (10 Radical Art Projects That Celebrate Women’s Bodies) and HyperAllergic (Deconstructing Barbie’s Disproportion) for other really dope art projects promoting healthy body images for women of all types.


Genocide, Texas, Worms

Errol Morris discusses Josh Oppenheimer’s documentary The Act of Killing about a genocide you probably haven’t heard of executive produced by Morris and Werner Herzog.

Texas is really trying to move back in time. Keep Austin medieval might be their new mantra.

Fuckin’ worms how do they work? A worm that not only regrows a severed head but also retains its memories.


Google Broke My Search History

I use Google to search often and since the advent of tabbed browsing I usually open the first ten results in background tabs. I can’t imagine I’m the only person who searches this way.
Search Results
Often times when working through my problem I realize that I’d like to return to one of the tabs that I dismissed earlier. I would do so by finding it in my history by looking for the page title. Unfortunately Google has broken the page title in your history and now I just see a bunch of redirects.


This should be a list of page titles but is instead a list of redirects.

Fortunately Bing doesn’t exhibit this strange behavior and may soon be my search engine of choice.
Bing gets it right.

Bing gets it right.

Update: My former co-worker pointed out that the Safari plugin Detox will restore things to normal.


Humpday Helper: Roofeeo- Call It What You Want III

Roofeeo (NinjaSonik/Death Set/Tv On The Radio) is the homie. And he’s here to drop some summer heat on us. Pull up a kiddie pool and an ice chest full of High Life (weed and pizza too), it’s summer beyotches.


.Gov, Cookie, Loss

Very cool to see a friend’s company get some positive press.

A nerdy but great post wherein cookies are hated on, I for one hate browser cookies for the same reasons.

The open source software community lost a great one today. Seth Vidal the creator of Yum was killed in a hit and run accident today. Yum is an easy and elegant way to make sure your servers are up to date and his software is used on millions of computers all over the world. As a biker and a software developer this hit very close to home.

If they park this poorly can you imagine how they drive?

If they park this poorly can you imagine how they drive?


Tuesday Forecast

The week of welcome returns: Slum Village and classic Tony Touch (50 mcs series). Thundercat is also a highlight of this week’s releases. As for the rest, I hope you don’t like words too much…(oh also, there is a new Skee-lo album out this week, lol. I’m thinking he’s still wishing he was a little bit taller).
