Archive for illustration

We Were Figured Out

Though likely not related to recent revelations about certain spy agencies in certain countries. It appears XKCD has outed The Common Folk Collective’s control over the viral internet.


More Microfiction, the International Space Station, and other stuff for your eyes

Well, eyes and ears. Faces, I guess?

Hal grades your bike locking
Crystal to Blotter
Ask A Bartender
Ugly Belgian Houses
The world’s shortest commercial airline flights
Spot the International Space Station
Lyrics to Biggie’s “Juicy” with illustrations
Ripovisuals, large
Elephantine’s Fiction Friday
OK Go – Say the same thing
SIGGRAPH Technical Papers Preview trailer
What can we learn from superhumans?
Warriors of Goja on an Indian talent show
Jim Rose Circus (NSFW)
80s Video Dating montage
70s fondue party mixtape
Little Julian’s Secret
Everything’s carved from a single piece of wood.


Civilization – What is it?

Was Marina Chapman really brought up by monkeys?
College campuses provide luxuries
Biker-druids, Stonehenge and the Battle of the Beanfield
National Geographic Trove
Modern art has partially been a CIA plot
Cortex – L’Enfant Samba
Permanent Vacation dance scene
bedroom artist(?) Oscar Scheller phones in album cover
the “extra fancy” knob
pocket Etch-A-Sketch hack
F bomb paperweight
Learn To Say F**k You To The World (animated short)
Good Girl Art
Unseen photographs of a legend that never was: Vivien Maier
Patricia Piccinini sculptures
Out of sight out of mind from ACiD productions
Steak, blood, bloody steak, steaky blood
Revisiting the Myth of The 12-Year Old McDonald’s Burger That Just Won’t Rot


Map Of The Stars: UK Edition

This is a great concept executed by James Chapman and essential for any fan of music to come out of the UK, which is quite a bit. It always amuses me the amount of times people (myself included) get caught off guard and are like “Wait! They’re from there and not from the good ol’ U.S. of A?! Enjoy.

via LaughingSquid

uk music mapScreen Shot 2013-03-13 at 3.51.12 PM


On Warren Ellis

Anyway, I’m going out to drink a lot. And I’ve already deleted the Snapchat app from my phone, for the safety of everyone.

Warren Ellis Relevant Post

If you don’t read author Warren Ellis’ blog you should. His stories are dark, twised and wonderful.


Headscapes Art Show- A Brain Storm of Installations

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I won’t be there and that makes me very, very sad. But if you are in the nyc area this saturday, March 2nd, you need to go check this out. Common Folk founder extraordinaire Jah Jah Brown is a creator/curator of this monstrosity of an art show. Not only will there be large installations to crawl through that give a glimpse into the head of the artists but there’ll also be a gallery next door featuring prints, photography, paintings, and sculpture. And since the flyer does the show no justice here are a couple sneak peak shots (you can find more on the show’s tumblr here.)

For a much more detailed write up and info… Read more
