Archive for Three a Day

Genocide, Texas, Worms

Errol Morris discusses Josh Oppenheimer’s documentary The Act of Killing about a genocide you probably haven’t heard of executive produced by Morris and Werner Herzog.

Texas is really trying to move back in time. Keep Austin medieval might be their new mantra.

Fuckin’ worms how do they work? A worm that not only regrows a severed head but also retains its memories.


.Gov, Cookie, Loss

Very cool to see a friend’s company get some positive press.

A nerdy but great post wherein cookies are hated on, I for one hate browser cookies for the same reasons.

The open source software community lost a great one today. Seth Vidal the creator of Yum was killed in a hit and run accident today. Yum is an easy and elegant way to make sure your servers are up to date and his software is used on millions of computers all over the world. As a biker and a software developer this hit very close to home.

If they park this poorly can you imagine how they drive?

If they park this poorly can you imagine how they drive?


Jazz, Hockey and Letters

A list jazz records for people who don’t know shit about jazz. Bonus: for hip-hop

The Blackhawks have some class.

A letter that that is also probably relevant today

This street really exists.

This street really exists.


Marriage, Rotation, Jackie

As member of the clergy who is authorized to marry people I’m very pleased that the SCOTUS over turned the Defense of Marriage Act a victory for gay rights. (Though four of the justices dissented making them look like hateful asshats.)

Learn some science read about the Coriolis effect.

The trailer for the Jackie (of Treehorns fame) is now out.


Experts, Comments and SOCTUS

This is why experts make the big bucks.

You shouldn’t read YouTube comments.

Isn’t this a text book example of why one should recuse oneself from a case?

Chips, cards and whiskey are all one needs to play a proper game of poker.

Chips, cards and whiskey are all one needs to play a proper game of poker.


Wire, Riley and Royalties

Some dude risked his life to cross the Grand Canyon. There were too many thank god during his walk for my taste.

Good Photoshop work of Regina King, Riley and Huey.

I crush your dreams of being a internet music rock star millionaire.

This show was a while back,

This show was a while back,
