Mp3′s and Amazon.com and iTunes etc., etc. are all fine and good BUT today is special. Get out from behind your computer and go support your local brick & mortar record store. Keep them alive. A little human to human contact isn’t always so bad.
Find your local participating store, RecordStoreDay.com.
Some special releases only available at stores—
Afrika Bambaata & MC5, Animal Collective, Atmosphere and The Uncluded (Aesop Rock and Kimya Dawson), Childish Gambino, Deerhoof, JEFF the Brotherhood, Lee “Scratch” Perry, Mastodon/Feist, Shabazz Palaces, Sigur Ros, The Flaming Lips, The Pharcyde, Xiu Xiu/Dirty Beaches, DJ Food, ESG, Gorillaz, Peter Tosh, Iggy Pop, Lou Reed.