Archive for DC

Trolleys in DC Days Past

I’m a public transportation fan, I live in DC and I’m obsessed with finding old information about where I live. So when I saw this video of the trolley running only a few blocks from where I live I was fascinated.

My only complaint is that the guy who posted it is a kind of a nut job and doesn’t appear to have any similar videos so don’t waste your time looking through his posts.


Decorating with Extra Pro-America

The Alliance for American Manufacturing attempted an all-United-States-made strategy in building their Washington DC headquarters. The Alliance is an industry lobbying group formed in 2007 to focus public policy on helping America’s disappearing manufacturing sector. Their project demonstrates how an 1980s-style “Buy American” campaign might be impossible today:

Need computers, televisions or phones for your home or office? A coffee maker or a compact fluorescent light bulb? No such luck. Those products simply aren’t manufactured stateside, Paul said. (They did settle on buying a Keurig.)

[National Journal]


12 for 13 – #1 The Perps

It is great to have creative friends, it is great to have friends in bands. It is even better to have friends in bands that make music you want to hear. I’m lucky enough to have met Rubin at a job a few years ago and was excited to receive an email with the following:
12 FOR 13. At the beginning of each month throughout the year 2013 I will be releasing one of these projects online for free. It might be a full album or it might be a single song. It might be an actual movie or it might be a soundtrack to a movie that doesn't even exist. It will cover most every band that I have played in from 2000 through today as well as other projects I have worked on over the years. Many of you on this email were/are/will be a part of these projects.

This embodies the ethic of Common Folk “It’s about igniting a thought or sparking a smile, just trying to disrupt the monotony of the all too common daily grind. Common folk doing uncommon things.”

The first project he is releasing is The Perps

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Donald Trump is a Welfare King

Donald Trump is trying to get out of taxes in DC


Two Bill O’Reilly Books

On a recent trip to a brick & mortar bookstore (yea I’m old school, I even have a landline), I saw two books by Bill O’Reilly prominently featured. The first about the assassination of Lincoln, the second about the assassination of Kennedy. Knowing the vile, racist, conservative opinions espoused by O’Reilly (encouraged by his employer Fox News) I find it interesting and ironically fitting that his two books are both about the assassination of two prominent progressive leaders who were also known for their stance on civil rights.

It begs the question, why is Oreilly writing about progressive presidents who were assassinated?



Top of the Crates


I was raised on the beats of the Golden Age of Hip-Hop and Giving Up (Prod by Joc Max) off of the album “Quarter Life Crisis” by Quartermaine took me back to my youth. Cop a copy of the vinyl from Redefinition Records and support real underground independent hip-hop.
