Archive for Satire

Gooooooo God (or Allah or Buddah or Odin or Ganesh)

So cheerleaders are allowed to show Bible quotes on banners during football games at public schools. What if they were instead showing quotes from the Quran or Bhagavad Gita? Would Rick Perry have defended the right to show those?
Since the case has been decided in favor of Bible quotes I’ve made my list of quotes I’d like to see on banners at future events.

  • “Now behold, I have two daughters who have not had relations with man; please let me bring them out to you, and do to them whatever you like; only do nothing to these men, inasmuch as they have come under the shelter of my roof.” Genesis 19:8
  • “Everything in the waters that has not fins and scales is detestable to you.” Leviticus 11:12
  • “You shall not round off the side-growth of your heads nor harm the edges of your beard.”Leviticus 19:27

And lastly because I think it is especially appropriate for cheerleaders:
“Likewise, I want women to adorn themselves with proper clothing, modestly and discreetly, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly garments.”Timothy 2:9

Put your suggestions for Bible quotes you’d like to see on banners in the comments.

Washington Redskins Cheerleader

Washington Redskins Cheerleader by Flickr user Keith Allison



Mark Chapman – Rush Limbaugh Twins?

Every time Mark Chapman, the asshole who killed John Lennon, is up for and denied parole, I’m reminded that his evil twin brother Rush Limbaugh, the asshole who killed civil discourse, is still allowed to roam the streets for Oxycodone.

Mark Chapman – NY Dept of Corrections

Rush Limbaugh – From Wikipedia


Mars News

Two breaking news items about the latest NASA mission from the Mars Curiosity Rover. The first is that the initial pictures taken upon its landing, like the human moon landing, were doctored. Unfortunately this picture was taken seriously by the Boston police (2007 ATHF bomb scare) and they’ve sent a unit to NASA and are using DHS funding to send a SWAT team to Mars.

First Picture from the Moon

Is there alien life on the mars?














The second piece of news is that NASA has also managed to start its mission to pollute Mars. Luckily for NASA the EPA doesn’t yet have jurisdiction on Mars.

Moon Pollution

Trash everywhere. Click to enlarge.


Joe Paterno Biopic

Another scoop for the Common Folk Collective team. Our well placed film analyst has heard rumors that the upcoming, not yet announced, Joe Paterno bio pic will be directed by none other than Roman Polanski and in a unique arrangement financed by The Vatican. This movie will surely be highly anticipated at Cannes and will of course, based on the subject matter and director’s past, be the source of much contention. Another question yet to be answered will be the shooting location, possibly Vatican City, as Polanski has to risk answering for his crimes. One last rumor that has been surrounding the film is the role of Jerry Sandusky, right now there is a buzz the honor might go to Jeffery Jones (Ed Rooney from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off). The film, produced, directed, and acted by these aging men, will be primarily targeted at children 14 and under.

*On a serious note we suggest donating to the protection of victims of sexual abuse and recommend The Children’s Assessment Center.


Breaking News – Romney Narrows VP Picks

Common Folk Collective’s top secret political operative has some inside news on Mitt Romney’s potential VP pick. Romney has narrowed the list down to two candidates, the Planter’s Peanut Guy and the Monopoly Guy.

Each choice has strong credentials. Peanut has been involved in social circles since the early 1900s and was part of a program to provide low cost meals to workers. He also showed bipartisan support by working with Jimmy Carter, a long time ally, on trying to bring peace to the Middle East. Monopoly has been a staple of the NY real estate market and by building hotels all along the East Coast has a track record of creating jobs.

Both candidates also come with baggage that could cost Romney as well. Many people are allergic to Peanut and his close association with Kraft Foods doesn’t help Romney’s Wall Street association. Additionally his close association with Jimmy Carter may cost some Tea Party votes. Monopoly on the other hand is viewed by some as a fluff candidate because of a second place finish in a beauty contest. Monopoly has also been know to take over whole neighborhoods building luxury hotels and charging exorbitant rent. Monopoly will also have to likely explain his use of the get out of jail free card.

Don’t forget to pick up your very own copy of George Romney’s biography. As drab as it may sound, it’s really a fascinating read about a forward thinking man with progressive ideas about politics, race, and capitalism. Andrew Sullivan from the Daily Beast says “In many ways, George Romney shows what capitalism can achieve; and Mitt Romney reveals how degenerate so much of it has become.”

Romney’s Way: A Man and an Idea (Biography of George Romney, Mitt’s father)

*Ed. note- Looks like Romney went with the peanut
